My book is about my life journey to Russia, Iraq, Mexico, Dubai, Al Taqaddum, Al Asad, The people that I came in contact with Bosnians, Macedonians, Kosovo, Prishtina, Turkish, Iraqi, Nepalese, Andhra Pradesh, UAE and many Americans from all over the US, Panama, The proud Royal Air forces, Ugandans, Marines, Army, and there three-star Gen who became a Four-Star Gen while he was abroad in Iraq. Leaving home was way overdue. Putting my life on paper was/is very hard for me. Sometimes I set here reading all the obstacles that were put in my path. Obstacles of making me say how the hell did I do it, how did I get this far. I've been through so much I have been in a mentally and physically abusive marriage, being used, being talked down to by my husband.
And for me to have given up two of the most perishes things in my life. I decided to put my life on paper only because I wanted to reach out to my single mothers young and older. As I see myself today a mother's job is never done and being a single mother you are both Mother and Dad. We, single mothers, have to set examples in our kids’ lives; lead them down the right path, through your eyes. The paths you lead are also your kid’s future.
I've met so many people from all over the world that have made such an impact in my life and there where others that didn't care to.
There were husbands and wives there in Iraq trying to make their lives better days for when it was time for them to return back home with "NO" worries. There were some trying to get out of debt that we seem to put ourselves in. I've seen many homes being broken up because of money issues spouse spending money and many other reasons. I've seen Military men and women worried about home and their spouses. Leaving home going abroad seeing and hearing things, put my mind in such a perspective place. For me to leave my kids home with this man I no longer called my husband.
With my baby sister and her husband right there by my kids side was really hard for me to do. But no matter what blood is thicker than water and knowing that a child did not bound me and my husband together it was a matter of time. I promised God that I wouldn't just give up so easy on my marriage like I did with my first. Being with my first husband for over thirteen years and for him to up and leave his family for his God sister it was something awful.....and to think how dare you look your kids in the face knowing that they knew the real reason why you left home this still seems to amazes me till this day.
Someone told me that what I went through was made to reach The Jerry Springer Show. I'm pretty sure all of us have been through a lot to say the same. But being brought up right I left it all in the Lords' hand. I find myself day dreaming about going abroad again. I didn't think I would ever feel this way wanting to traveling, seeing different things, meeting new people. Wanting to travel around the world. Want to see our beautiful Nation, wanting to see God's creation.
I'm hoping to make in impact on our single mothers lives into wanting more for themselves and for their children. To be driven, setting the example for their future, so that they would look back and, my mother sacrificed a lot, and for them to say later on in life momma thank you so much for giving me the guides. For you to hear them to say I didn't think it was going to be this hard but I learned from the best, I'll take what I learned and put it to good use. It's going to be hard but it's all about how bad you want it only then you'll start to see your achievements in life and all your goals that you have accomplished and much... much more. There are so many obstacles and people that have been put forth my path some that have hurt me and others that have made me think about what I want to do next in life. My Book is called Resilience of a Black Woman I'm looking forward on some feed backs from my Google friends and to many of my blog readers.